Floating Above Floods: Innovative Home Elevations in New Orleans

New Orleans is grappling with the ongoing challenge of fortifying the city against future flood damage. It's imperative to explore additional strategies to enhance resilience. Recent studies emphasize incentivizing building elevation or relocation to lower-risk zones, revising building codes, and implementing land use restrictions to curb growth in flood-prone areas. A comprehensive approach that combines structural and non-structural solutions can pave the way for a more secure and robust future for the city. Elevation Elevation is the tried and tested method for constructing flood-resistant homes near water bodies. The key is to elevate the building above the anticipated floodwater levels. Several creative approaches exist for achieving this. One option is to build the house on sturdy stilts, a traditional and reliable choice in various regions. Alternatively, a raised platform akin to a beach house or an elevated bank of earth or concrete could serve the purpose. A sacrificial...