Home Adaptation for Rising Tides in New Orleans


With each storm, New Orleans faces the constant risk of flooding. Hurricane Katrina, which appeared ten years ago, caused significant destruction. The government makes major efforts to carry out the adaptation process for New Orleans. Even the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has built a modern flood protection system around the city. However, solutions such as raising the elevation of homes reduce the danger of storms like Katrina and Isaac. The whole city must adapt to resilient Climate Change Programs undertaken by the authorities.

How Will Rising Home Elevation Help People?

The high tides and floodwaters are the significant reasons that make things worse for the foundations of the houses in New Orleans. Well, things can get worse if the storm's speed is higher than that of adaptation efforts. Still, there are major benefits of getting the home elevated by the right professionals.

1.    Water Absorbing System: When the resilience district was built in New Orleans, parking was made to absorb waterlogging near the houses. The elevation system of the houses helps keep the flood waters away. It will not cause damage until it's a full-blown storm traveling at a high speed from the coastline. Moreover, it will give you enough time to evacuate to the refuge areas built by the government.

2.    Safety: Hurricanes and storms are a part of the New Orleans district as it is near the coastline. The elevations help to safeguard your property. It even keeps your family and pets safe during the water logging or flooding in the district.

3.    Modifying Coastal Communities: Introducing proper sewage systems and water-absorbing roads and planting more trees will help curb the flooding and waterlogging menace after the storms. You can expect little to no harm to your family by building strong elevations in New Orleans and a home foundation.

4.    Minimizing the Losses: When we are talking about the coastal areas, one thing you need to understand is that if the storms hit the shores at a higher speed, destruction happens. However, New Orleans has resilient districts, which include elevating houses and raising the foundation of the houses to a higher level. It will block the water from destroying your furniture, electrical appliances, proper drainage of the sewerage system, etc.


House elevations by reputed contractors like the Robert Wolfe Companies will help ensure the proper safety of the homes in the New Orleans region. You can contact our experts to get budgeted quotes.


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